Quick Start

Getting Started With Novo on Testnet


Today Novo Space exists on a fork of ethereum mainnet. We choose this rather than deploying on Goerli in order to lower the barriers to trying it out; Goerli Eth can be difficult to acquire.

Follow the steps below to get a sense for what it's like to live in Novo Space! 🙂


  1. Install Metamask and create a wallet

  2. Add the Novo Testnet fork to Metamask

  3. Import the N-USDC token into Metamask

  4. Collect some USDC and ETH from the Novo Faucet

  5. Bridge your newly acquired USDC into Novo Space

  6. Transfer it to a friend

  7. Prank them by making a reversal request

  8. Celebrate!

1. Install Metamask and create a wallet

You can follow the instructions here.

2. Add the Novo Testnet fork to Metamask

Network name: Novo Testnet

New RPC URL: https://node.novospace.xyz

Chain ID: 1

Currency symbol: ETH

3. Import the N-USDC token into Metamask

Token contract address: 0x1FeF63AA8d7A99Ad9B68A7e42F85E75F689d9852

Token symbol: N-USDC

Token decimal: 6

4. Collect some USDC and ETH from the Novo Faucet

Connect your metamask wallet and send yourself some ETH and USDC by entering your wallet Address at https://app.novospace.xyz/defi/faucet

5. Bridge your newly acquired USDC into Novo Space

6. Transfer it to a friend

Note: make sure to set the gas limit to 200,000 when transferring N tokens.

7. Prank them by making a reversal request

8. Celebrate!

Congrats on making it this far. You're now a Novo Spacer!

Last updated